Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring? What Spring?

Okay, so last night I went to bed feeling rather shitty, but happy with the knowledge that Spring was well and truly here. I mean the grass was green, I had a flock of robins fluttering about the yard, a few of the bulbs were poking their pale green sprouts up through the ground and the air smelled heavenly. Yes, Spring was well and truly here!


This morning I opened my eyes, spread the curtains on the bay window in our bedroom to try and catch a glimpse of the herd of deer who frequent the field behind us and to my shock and horror there is six inches of depressingly white snow on everything.

Who ever heard of a Spring blizzard? This is bizarre! This is not fair. I think perhaps Mother Nature missed the memo about spring either that or she is PMSing in a big way!

So, here I sit trapped in my beautiful valley once again by the snowdrft-clogged country roads out. I guess I can use the time to clean out a closet, scrub a wall or two or organize my file cabinet....nope, better yet I think I will get some writing done.

Hope you are enjoying a nice 'Spring' day wherever you are!

1 comment:

Jude Mason said...

I swear, the robins around here or gonna freeze their little peckers off. LOL

Jojo, good writing!
