Thursday, June 11, 2009

Have you been told today?

By a dog?

So far today, I have been safe, but yesterday… oh my! Can dogs get PMS? Can they be affected by the weather or the moon or the pattern of the planets, or whatever? Because my little girl had one heck of an attitude yesterday, let me tell you!

Now, you have to understand that she is a rather spoiled pooch. And normally we give in to her every whim… but… we have been working on the normal tricks – sit – stay – heel – shake a paw… Yesterday she did extremely well with shake-a-paw for everyone… until it was my turn to dish out the beloved treat. I did it all, instructed her to sit (plop down goes the bum), showed her the treat (slurp here comes the drool), leaned forward, held out my hand and said “Shake a paw Tipsy”… wait for it… she would thrust her paw out to me any second … here it comes… still waiting. She rolled her eyes at me. She literally rolled her eyes at me! I didn’t know a dog could do that. Next attempt, she looked over to ‘Daddy’ as if to say “Is she serious?” Third attempt, she looked longingly at the treat, licked the drool from her chin, looked me in the eye, huffed to show me just how fed up she was and shoved her paw straight out at me. If she could have said “If you want it that bad here it is” I am sure she would have screamed it. Then after all of that, she didn’t even eat the damn treat. She sat with it in her mouth looking at me from the other side of the room for ages, before finally sauntering into the bedroom to either eat or hide it. I’m assuming she ate it, as there was no soggy treat waiting for me on my pillow.

When bedtime rolled around, she still had the attitude. Now, normally all it takes is to point and snap your fingers and she curls up in her allotted spot at the end of the bed between our feet. Last night, after the required amount of cuddles I pointed and snapped. Tipsy stood up, looked at me, looked to where I was pointing, walked down the bed and flopped right where my feet should be if I weren’t curled up. When I informed her that she had to move over she again rolled her eyes at me, turned her face away and closed her eyes. She actually pretended to be asleep!

I have raised three human girls, I know the signs… Tipsy is going through puberty! God help me!

How was your day?

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